Spin Soaker

Spin Soaker

    • $220.00
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Water Units 

The "Wet Roulette" Water Game for Spins and Giggles! Spin Soaker® is the world's only "wet roulette" game. It adds a new dimension of chance and surprise to backyard or big event water fun. Four players play by taking turns spinning the game's "Soaker Wheel". When the wheel stops on their color, they press the "Soaker Handle", releasing 1/2 gallon of water to shoot out of the spout over someone's head. That's the surprise - nobody knows who will get wet (it could be one or two people) until the water starts flowing. After that it's just laughs and splashes. Then they spin the wheel again. Must Have a Water Source and Hose Available. 


  • 4 Players at a time
  • Soaker Wheel
  • Colorful Soaker Spout

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